Ghost Recon: Wildlands Open Beta Coming
Ubisoft will let you try out Ghost Recon: Wildlands through an open beta coming in the "next quarter," CEO Yves Guillemot said during an earnings call today.
It's not exactly clear what he meant by the "next quarter," but we've followed up with Ubisoft in an attempt to get more details about the timing for the Wildlands beta. Ubisoft today reported earnings for the first half of its fiscal 2016-2017 (ended September 30), with the current quarter being the October-December window. "Next quarter" might mean sometime at the start of 2017. The game itself is scheduled to arrive on March 7, 2017.
Guillemot also mentioned that there will be closed betas in addition to open betas for Wildlands. He said the purpose of the pre-release testing periods is to help players get a grasp for what the game is all about.
"It can be a revolutionary game, and to compare with The Division last year, it's in the same trend actually," Guillemot said, adding that feedback so far has been "excellent."
He added: "We expect in the next quarter to do some open betas and closed betas that will help a lot on the players to actually know what the game is and what it can become. We are very confident it will excite gamers a lot.
For more on Wildlands, check out GameSpot's preview video above that covers the game's stealth missions. You can also read GameSpot's preview from E3 2016.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Qu'on se le dise, il n'est jamais facile de bouleverser les codes d'une série culte, inter-générationnelle et dont l'histoire, dans ses grandes largeurs, n'a plus aucun secret pour bon nombre d'entre nous. Depuis trente ans, la saga Dragon Ball s'est muée en mythe et altérer son scénario équivaut à sauter d'un avion avec un caleçon comme seul parachute. On ne touche pas impunément aux exploits de Son Goku et sa clique et les controverses nées autour de Dragon Ball GT et Dragon Ball Super sont là pour le prouver. Pour le jeu vidéo, le constat est identique et les titres estampillés DBZ, à part quelques exceptions, n'ont jamais fait l'unanimité. Malgré le pari qu'elle représente, la franchise Dragon Ball Xenoverse a démontré que la trame de Dragon Ball n'est pas immuable et qu'il est possible de la modeler, à condition de l'intégrer à un background cohérent. En s'appuyant sur le voyage dans le temps, tout en imaginant un concept mâtiné de MMO, les Japonais de Dimps ont réussi à convaincre les fans de la première heure. Après un premier épisode, qui a tout de l'ébauche, l'éditeur Bandai Namco revient en force avec une suite qui pourrait mettre tout le monde d'accord.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Confirmed for Fall 2017, Trailer Coming Thursday

Rockstar has not offered any specifics on Red Dead Redemption 2's gameplay, but that last line is particularly interesting, considering a domain name for Red Dead Online was recently discovered. Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer mode, GTA Online, has brought in a reported $500 million or more. The first Red Dead Redemption had a multiplayer component, but it seems like the sequel may go further.
Rockstar founder Sam Houser added, "With Red Dead Redemption 2, the team is working hard to push forward our vision for interactive entertainment in a truly living world. We hope to deliver players an epic experience that builds upon everything we've learned making games."
The 2010 original Red Dead Redemption was released on Xbox 360 andPlayStation 3, but not PC. Rockstar did not mention a PC release for Red Dead Redemption 2 in its announcement today.
The image above shows seven different characters who are still somewhat blurry but are more in focus than they were in the previous teaser. They are all wielding weapons, including pistols and long rifles. The man standing front and center could be Red Dead Redemption 2's protagonist, but this is not confirmed.
Modern Combat 5: Blackout review
Available now on Android, iOS and Windows Phone (Reviewed on Galaxy S5 and Nvidia Shield)
Modern Combat 5: Blackout is as the name suggests, the fifth instalment in the first person shooter franchise delivering another slice of Call of Duty-inspired action for iOS, Android and Windows Phone smartphones and tablets.
Graphics are still as polished as they were in Modern Combat 4 Zero Hour, and while a storyline based on going toe-to-toe with terrorists is hardly original, the improved multiplayer and enjoyable single campaign still makes it one of the finest shooters to play on a smaller screen.
Will Red Dead Redemption 2 be Announced at Gamescom
Rumors have been circulating for quite a few months now about Rockstar Games making a sequel to Red Dead Redemption. However, Rockstar Games and Take-Two Interactive have not yet officially announced it’s development yet. Many believe this year’s Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, will be when they officially announce the sequel to their popular game. Released back in 2010 (has it really been six years?), Red Dead Redemption captured people’s wild-west gun slinging imagination, nabbing several game of the year awards, along with dozens of others gaming awards. So when a leaked image of a supposed map of Red Dead Redemption 2 was posted online earlier this year, fans desperately awaited its announcement at this year’s E3.
But with that gone, some still retain hope that Gamescom will be where Rockstar will announce the sequel.According to PSU, Take-Two Interactive’s CEO, Strauss Zelnick, said in an interview that Rockstar has been working on several games
“Rockstar Games is of course hard at work on some exciting future projects that will be revealed soon.”
Despite the vague statement, fans believe a sequel will be coming. Most recently, Red Dead Redemption was one of the games that was added to the list of backwards compatibility games for Xbox One. And if that isn’t enough to fuel the flames to fans’ beliefs, a former Rockstar Games employee has claimed that the studio is in fact working on the sequel. But, Techtimes doesn’t believe gamers should get their hopes high just yet. They believe the rumors are just that, rumors. Take-Two is too busy working on other games, including Mafia 3, Civilization VI, and the BioShock Collection, all of which will probably keep the studio busy for the foreseeable future – pushing back the announcement past this year’s Gamescom, especially the game’s release until 2018, that’s if there is a sequel. However, seeing how Red Dead managed to sell over 14 million units since its release, I doubt any major gaming studio will pass on the opportunity to cash in on a potential money-making franchise.
While not much has yet been confirmed about the potential sequel, there is one rumor which suggests that Red Dead Redemption will in fact be a prequel to the first game. Whether or not John Marston will still be the story’s main protagonist is yet to be revealed, but as of now we’ll await Gamescom and see if Rockstar reveals any news.
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